The Results keep coming in!
Pastor Lonnie drops 24lbs and 4.4% BF in his first 8 weeks at WCFC
We are proud of you Christy
and more Results!

Back in April, I wrote the first installment of Tag Teaming. At that time I had moved from 254 lbs. in January to 236lbs at the end of March. More importantly, my FAT weight went from 112 to 93. After that, Lauren decided we needed to switch up the Macros. Her plan was to maintain the same calories per day but to increase protein and decrease carbs. I continued to work on my range of motion, especially rotator cuff, but added more weight on leg and chest days. I also weaved “core work” into every workout. I can carry a 35# kettle bell around the club for 90 seconds on each side, can do multiple reps of planks, and have just added more precise core-specific exercises. Lauren continues to monitor my macros. Ben hovers like a helicopter, checking the progress, asking the tough questions, and offering encouragement. On July 11, I had the latest BodPod reading. I am now at 218 lbs., but more importantly my Fat weight has reduced from 112 to 73 since January, and Lean has increased from 142 to 145. The Plan is working: lose weight but maintain or increase lean. I have lost 36 lbs., net, but 39 lbs. of Fat while adding lean. I still track the Macros, do at least 15 minutes of cardio daily, confess my failings to Lauren every Tuesday, and try stay on task with workouts. It is the nutrition and the weekly diligence of Lauren that has made the difference. At 68 years old, I believe that age is no longer an excuse
Craig Sawyer - Winner of the Strong Scholarship.
In 2016 I turned 41 and I was heavier than I’ve ever been in my life. My wife just had our 2nd child and knew I
had to make a major change soon. I wanted to ensure I could do all the things a good father should do along
with setting a good example for healthy living in their lives. The search was on to find the right path to achieve
this… insert West Chester Fitness Club (WCFC).
I’ve been driving by WCFC on my way to work for a couple years and I finally decided to stop in to see what they
had to offer. As it turns out I had great timing because they were running a contest called The Strong Scholarship.
That in itself was enough to let me know I found a great place that cares about its clients. I entered the contest
and shortly thereafter I was notified that I had been selected. I couldn’t have been
more excited and nervous at the same time. I’ve had experiences with personal trainers in the past which I’ve
never been happy with. My past trainers would always seem distracted while they went down their list of
exercises for me. I would always leave so sore I wouldn’t be able to move for the next couple of days. After my
first training session I confirmed that WCFC was special. First thing I did was meet with Lauren to talk about my
eating habits and made a few easy but key changes. Then I stepped on the scale and she took some
measurements to track my results. From my very 1st workout to the most recent one both Ben and Lauren had
an amazing ability to know exactly how far to push me without going too far, yet still past where I thought I
could go. Something I love about WCFC is the attention to detail. They watch everything you do and make
adjustments to help you get the most out of the exercise; no wasted movement. I also love that they’re able to
work around my limitations. I have club foot which translates to bad ankles with limited mobility. If I was ever
not able to perform an exercise due to my limitations, they would always find an alternative exercise for me.
They’re both great at keeping our training sessions interesting by switching it up from week to week.
At the conclusion of my 6 month Strong program I was able to do the impossible of losing weight while putting
on muscle. Here are the changes I achieved over the 6 months:
· Weight = -35 pounds
· Shoulders = -1”
· Bicep (right) = -0.75”
· Waist = -6” (amazing!!)
· Chest = -2.5”
· Hips = -3”
· Thigh (right) = -1.5”
· Body Fat Percent = -6%
· Lean Body Mass Percent = +6%
I couldn’t be happier with these results which is why I’m still training here today.
Training with Ben Humphrey is always fun. His knowledge of the human body combined with his seemingly
endless rolodex of exercises make him a unique trainer. He always takes the time to explain the exercise to you
in a way that makes sense. This is to ensure proper technique to avoid possible injury. He starts off with the
basics and when he sees you’ve got that he’ll throw in other pointers to further improve your technique. You
can tell Ben loves what he does.
Thank you WCFC and the anonymous sponsor of the Strong Scholarship for changing my life in a way I never
thought possible. Not only have you given me my life back but you have also given my wife and kids a man they
can be proud of.
Craig Sawyer
May 2017
In 2016 I turned 41 and I was heavier than I’ve ever been in my life. My wife just had our 2nd child and knew I
had to make a major change soon. I wanted to ensure I could do all the things a good father should do along
with setting a good example for healthy living in their lives. The search was on to find the right path to achieve
this… insert West Chester Fitness Club (WCFC).
I’ve been driving by WCFC on my way to work for a couple years and I finally decided to stop in to see what they
had to offer. As it turns out I had great timing because they were running a contest called The Strong Scholarship.
That in itself was enough to let me know I found a great place that cares about its clients. I entered the contest
and shortly thereafter I was notified that I had been selected. I couldn’t have been
more excited and nervous at the same time. I’ve had experiences with personal trainers in the past which I’ve
never been happy with. My past trainers would always seem distracted while they went down their list of
exercises for me. I would always leave so sore I wouldn’t be able to move for the next couple of days. After my
first training session I confirmed that WCFC was special. First thing I did was meet with Lauren to talk about my
eating habits and made a few easy but key changes. Then I stepped on the scale and she took some
measurements to track my results. From my very 1st workout to the most recent one both Ben and Lauren had
an amazing ability to know exactly how far to push me without going too far, yet still past where I thought I
could go. Something I love about WCFC is the attention to detail. They watch everything you do and make
adjustments to help you get the most out of the exercise; no wasted movement. I also love that they’re able to
work around my limitations. I have club foot which translates to bad ankles with limited mobility. If I was ever
not able to perform an exercise due to my limitations, they would always find an alternative exercise for me.
They’re both great at keeping our training sessions interesting by switching it up from week to week.
At the conclusion of my 6 month Strong program I was able to do the impossible of losing weight while putting
on muscle. Here are the changes I achieved over the 6 months:
· Weight = -35 pounds
· Shoulders = -1”
· Bicep (right) = -0.75”
· Waist = -6” (amazing!!)
· Chest = -2.5”
· Hips = -3”
· Thigh (right) = -1.5”
· Body Fat Percent = -6%
· Lean Body Mass Percent = +6%
I couldn’t be happier with these results which is why I’m still training here today.
Training with Ben Humphrey is always fun. His knowledge of the human body combined with his seemingly
endless rolodex of exercises make him a unique trainer. He always takes the time to explain the exercise to you
in a way that makes sense. This is to ensure proper technique to avoid possible injury. He starts off with the
basics and when he sees you’ve got that he’ll throw in other pointers to further improve your technique. You
can tell Ben loves what he does.
Thank you WCFC and the anonymous sponsor of the Strong Scholarship for changing my life in a way I never
thought possible. Not only have you given me my life back but you have also given my wife and kids a man they
can be proud of.
Craig Sawyer
May 2017
When I went to my first bootcamp at WCFC about 3 years ago, needless to say, it was more than I expected! Great workouts, great techniques and awesome people.
When I decided to do personal training I absolutely knew where I was going. It is a smaller family owned gym (the best kind) but Ben and Lauren make it feel much better than a big gym. I started working with Lauren, my personal trainer, in Oct., 2016. Working with her has not only increased my physical strength but my self confidence. My body has changed so much and I'm loving it!! Lauren cares very much about her clients and encourages them in every way she can. She wants you to achieve your goals as much as you do! I love working out with Lauren, she not only keeps you on your toes, she teaches you as well. Lauren is truly an excellent trainer and person. She is the perfect combination of tough ("Lauren, your killing me!") and warm ("krissy, your doing so well") LOL... |
Her workouts are never the same, with that being said, never a dull moment.
I am so appreciative for all that Lauren has done for me and so thankful for all the time and effort in helping me to achieve my goals now and in the future! Thanks for everything Lauren.
❤ keep lifting,
- Krissy
I am so appreciative for all that Lauren has done for me and so thankful for all the time and effort in helping me to achieve my goals now and in the future! Thanks for everything Lauren.
❤ keep lifting,
- Krissy
Tag Teaming! April 2017
On January 17th I weighed 254 pounds with a body fat of 44%. The BodPod doesn’t lie. I was fat, slow, weak, out of breath, and Motivated. Ben suggested a new plan: train 3-4 days a week with Amber, and meet every Tuesday for “confession day” with Lauren. Between the two, Lauren watched over my food intake and gave me an app to follow on my phone to track Protein, Carbs, Fat, and Calories (My Macros); Amber focused on fast twitch and slow twitch muscles, cardio, chest, arms, back, and my ever-present-rotator-cuff issue. I have the luxury of being able to work out nearly every day, so for three or four mornings a week, Amber varies the drills, focuses on particular muscle groups, moves from machines to bands to weights to chains to cables to floor; varying the weight, the tension, the count and the speed. But since three to four hours out of 168 per week does not get me to my goal of fat loss while maintaining lean, Lauren polices my Macros, providing me with tips, food choices, and strategies to meet my 2015 calories a day, but more importantly to do it with 195 Protein, 185 Carbs, and 55 Fat.
On January 17th I weighed 254 with 112 FAT weight.
On March 22nd, I weighed 236 with 93 FAT weight.
I lost almost 20 pounds but added a pound of lean weight. The tag team approach is working. This is just the beginning; I am 68 years old; anyone can do this, if I can.
On January 17th I weighed 254 pounds with a body fat of 44%. The BodPod doesn’t lie. I was fat, slow, weak, out of breath, and Motivated. Ben suggested a new plan: train 3-4 days a week with Amber, and meet every Tuesday for “confession day” with Lauren. Between the two, Lauren watched over my food intake and gave me an app to follow on my phone to track Protein, Carbs, Fat, and Calories (My Macros); Amber focused on fast twitch and slow twitch muscles, cardio, chest, arms, back, and my ever-present-rotator-cuff issue. I have the luxury of being able to work out nearly every day, so for three or four mornings a week, Amber varies the drills, focuses on particular muscle groups, moves from machines to bands to weights to chains to cables to floor; varying the weight, the tension, the count and the speed. But since three to four hours out of 168 per week does not get me to my goal of fat loss while maintaining lean, Lauren polices my Macros, providing me with tips, food choices, and strategies to meet my 2015 calories a day, but more importantly to do it with 195 Protein, 185 Carbs, and 55 Fat.
On January 17th I weighed 254 with 112 FAT weight.
On March 22nd, I weighed 236 with 93 FAT weight.
I lost almost 20 pounds but added a pound of lean weight. The tag team approach is working. This is just the beginning; I am 68 years old; anyone can do this, if I can.

Cindy Murray
After working out doing bootcamps and working with two different personal trainers over a 3 year period, I was not satisfied with my results and I was always in some sort of pain. I was not looking to lose weight but wanted desperately to change my body composition, i.e. gain muscle and lose fat and that was not happening no matter how hard I worked along with a decent nutrition plan.
I searched for personal trainers in the West Chester/Liberty Township area and fortunately found Ben Humphrey and West Chester Fitness Club. I met Ben, checked out the gym and I knew immediately this is the place and the trainer. Ben listens to you, reviews your goals, and lays out a plan for you to achieve what you want. I began personal training twice a week with Ben in July 2015 and have consistently kept my personal training schedule to this day. My husband began seeing how happy I was working out with Ben along with changes in my physique and started his own personal training journey in September 2015.
When you have personal training with Ben, you get his undivided attention for your entire session. This is something I had not experienced with other trainers. He is a great teacher in that he explains the exercises, movements, why and how his methods work. Training with the bands as Ben uses was totally new to me but wow! I also feel totally safe while being able to push myself without worrying about injury. So different from other training methods that left me in pain or injured and at 53 years young, this is extremely important to me.
One of my goals was to build my back (I have a 20 degree lumbar curve/scoliosis that I don’t want to progress), have lats & be able to do a lat spread pose. I was inspired and amazed with Lauren and her lat spread! Ben said “we shall grow wings” and I now have “wings”. Overall, I’ve been able to gain the muscle I wanted and have changed my physique thanks to Ben & WCFC. You get nutritional guidance along with your personal training which is a tremendous advantage that I have not found at other gyms.
Through working with Ben, I’ve gained the knowledge and confidence to go into the gym and train on my own. A definite plus for personal training clients is that one as access to all the WCFC equipment available for you to train smartly and safely on your own.
I’ve enjoyed taking different classes at WCFC as well. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training, Core, Bootcamp, and Train Insane. All classes are great and expect to work hard. If you are truly looking for expert personal training and a gym to call home, if you expect to work hard (I mean work harder than you ever have!) for results and want to change your physical well-being, get to West Chester Fitness Club!
Cindy Murray
After working out doing bootcamps and working with two different personal trainers over a 3 year period, I was not satisfied with my results and I was always in some sort of pain. I was not looking to lose weight but wanted desperately to change my body composition, i.e. gain muscle and lose fat and that was not happening no matter how hard I worked along with a decent nutrition plan.
I searched for personal trainers in the West Chester/Liberty Township area and fortunately found Ben Humphrey and West Chester Fitness Club. I met Ben, checked out the gym and I knew immediately this is the place and the trainer. Ben listens to you, reviews your goals, and lays out a plan for you to achieve what you want. I began personal training twice a week with Ben in July 2015 and have consistently kept my personal training schedule to this day. My husband began seeing how happy I was working out with Ben along with changes in my physique and started his own personal training journey in September 2015.
When you have personal training with Ben, you get his undivided attention for your entire session. This is something I had not experienced with other trainers. He is a great teacher in that he explains the exercises, movements, why and how his methods work. Training with the bands as Ben uses was totally new to me but wow! I also feel totally safe while being able to push myself without worrying about injury. So different from other training methods that left me in pain or injured and at 53 years young, this is extremely important to me.
One of my goals was to build my back (I have a 20 degree lumbar curve/scoliosis that I don’t want to progress), have lats & be able to do a lat spread pose. I was inspired and amazed with Lauren and her lat spread! Ben said “we shall grow wings” and I now have “wings”. Overall, I’ve been able to gain the muscle I wanted and have changed my physique thanks to Ben & WCFC. You get nutritional guidance along with your personal training which is a tremendous advantage that I have not found at other gyms.
Through working with Ben, I’ve gained the knowledge and confidence to go into the gym and train on my own. A definite plus for personal training clients is that one as access to all the WCFC equipment available for you to train smartly and safely on your own.
I’ve enjoyed taking different classes at WCFC as well. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training, Core, Bootcamp, and Train Insane. All classes are great and expect to work hard. If you are truly looking for expert personal training and a gym to call home, if you expect to work hard (I mean work harder than you ever have!) for results and want to change your physical well-being, get to West Chester Fitness Club!
Cindy Murray
Dan Gilday
I hadn't ever worked with a personal trainer before training with Ben, nor had I done much weight training in general; however, despite not knowing entirely what to expect coming in, after having worked with Ben for a year, it's safe to say a very high bar has been set for any other trainers and gyms in my future. While I unfortunately have to leave WCFC due to moving across the country, if I am able to find a trainer that equals Ben, I will be more than happy (if I am able to find one that somehow exceeds his example, I will be very surprised). Ben and WCFC will certainly be some of the things I miss most after leaving West Chester.
Not only did training with Ben produce excellent results physically, but it also taught me a great deal about working out effectively. It's clear that Ben puts a great deal of thought into training. In a year of training with him, he squeezed in a remarkable variety of exercises--no two sessions were ever the same. More importantly, though, this never seemed like merely variety for variety's sake--Ben was always happy to discuss the relative merits of one movement over another or the different ways exercises could be arranged within a workout. Ben's willingness and obvious interest in talking about all of the facets of what he had me doing not only allowed me to learn a great deal as I worked out but also made resting between sets much more interesting.
This desire to understand and be able to explain why we were doing what we were doing, really, in my mind, speaks to the core of what makes Ben an excellent trainer. That is, his training style is always very intentional--there were always specific reasons and goals underlying what he had me doing. Understanding goals plays a very important part of training with Ben--the first thing he asked me when I wanted to train with him were what my goals were and he would regularly check in to see how I felt we were meeting those goals or how they might have changed. This focus not only allowed Ben to deliver a more personalized product in order to make training more efficient, but it also made me consider how the various different sets of goals in my life all fit together. Ben stressed that what we did in the gym was only one part of an effective training program--my goals there had to be able to fit into my larger life in order to be executed effectively. More than any physical results, I think the knowledge I gained and the improved way in which I define and pursue my goals have been the most important takeaway of my time working with Ben.
Training with Ben has been a true joy for me and is something I would recommend to anyone.
~ Dan Gilday
I hadn't ever worked with a personal trainer before training with Ben, nor had I done much weight training in general; however, despite not knowing entirely what to expect coming in, after having worked with Ben for a year, it's safe to say a very high bar has been set for any other trainers and gyms in my future. While I unfortunately have to leave WCFC due to moving across the country, if I am able to find a trainer that equals Ben, I will be more than happy (if I am able to find one that somehow exceeds his example, I will be very surprised). Ben and WCFC will certainly be some of the things I miss most after leaving West Chester.
Not only did training with Ben produce excellent results physically, but it also taught me a great deal about working out effectively. It's clear that Ben puts a great deal of thought into training. In a year of training with him, he squeezed in a remarkable variety of exercises--no two sessions were ever the same. More importantly, though, this never seemed like merely variety for variety's sake--Ben was always happy to discuss the relative merits of one movement over another or the different ways exercises could be arranged within a workout. Ben's willingness and obvious interest in talking about all of the facets of what he had me doing not only allowed me to learn a great deal as I worked out but also made resting between sets much more interesting.
This desire to understand and be able to explain why we were doing what we were doing, really, in my mind, speaks to the core of what makes Ben an excellent trainer. That is, his training style is always very intentional--there were always specific reasons and goals underlying what he had me doing. Understanding goals plays a very important part of training with Ben--the first thing he asked me when I wanted to train with him were what my goals were and he would regularly check in to see how I felt we were meeting those goals or how they might have changed. This focus not only allowed Ben to deliver a more personalized product in order to make training more efficient, but it also made me consider how the various different sets of goals in my life all fit together. Ben stressed that what we did in the gym was only one part of an effective training program--my goals there had to be able to fit into my larger life in order to be executed effectively. More than any physical results, I think the knowledge I gained and the improved way in which I define and pursue my goals have been the most important takeaway of my time working with Ben.
Training with Ben has been a true joy for me and is something I would recommend to anyone.
~ Dan Gilday
Don Murray
I’ve been working with Ben for 9 months now and he has taught me a new approach to weight training. Coupled with my training, Ben helped me develop a diet plan and introduced me to nutrition tools that allow me to better monitor my eating. With Ben’s guidance I’ve achieved results I’ve not seen for over 30 years.
Like many I’ve been lifting weights on and off since high school. Following the old school principles of “heavier is better” and focusing on the core lifts; bench press, squats, and dead lift. At 52 years old, those old school principles had become physically abusive to say the least. I was being forced to take time off from lifting to allow this joint, or that tendon, to settle down. I’m not one to complain about DOMS, I rather enjoy muscle soreness, but pain is counterproductive and quite honestly should not be accepted as part of a healthy lifestyle.
I’ve been working with Ben for 9 months now and he has taught me a new approach to weight training. Coupled with my training, Ben helped me develop a diet plan and introduced me to nutrition tools that allow me to better monitor my eating. With Ben’s guidance I’ve achieved results I’ve not seen for over 30 years.
Like many I’ve been lifting weights on and off since high school. Following the old school principles of “heavier is better” and focusing on the core lifts; bench press, squats, and dead lift. At 52 years old, those old school principles had become physically abusive to say the least. I was being forced to take time off from lifting to allow this joint, or that tendon, to settle down. I’m not one to complain about DOMS, I rather enjoy muscle soreness, but pain is counterproductive and quite honestly should not be accepted as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Ben has taught me techniques to avoid pain and has helped me to focus the intention of an exercise on the target muscle group. He teaches how a particular muscle group works, its range of motion and limitations, and how angles of force can affect a muscle group differently. Ben has helped me rethink my “old school” approach, moving me almost totally away from barbells, and the abuse that they inflict, to resistance bands and dumbbells. This simple shift in thinking has eliminated all of my joint and tendon pain and allowed me to actually focus on developing muscle. |
UPDATE August 2016: At the end of March, of this year, I was diagnosed with Stage IV throat cancer. Of course I was devastated. My progress to that point was amazing; I was in possibly the best condition of my life. My oncology team prepped me for the worst case scenario; terrible effects of weekly chemotherapy coupled with daily radiation treatments, significant energy and weight loss, and potential for off the charts pain.
I brought the challenge to Ben to guide my training through out my cancer treatment. Through clear daily communication he was able customize an ever changing training routine that supported both my emotional/mental state and daily changes in my physical capabilities. Throughout the ordeal I lost 15lbs of lean body mass, lots of strength and lots of energy. While I was not terribly pleased with these losses, my doctors were very impressed. I completed my course of treatment without rest breaks, I did not require a feeding tube, and I never needed serious levels of pain meds. All of this success my doctors attributed to my physical conditioning AND my continued training throughout treatment.
Ben and I worked hard to get through the past few months. We have much work to do in the coming months to recapture the minor setbacks I experienced. I have full confidence that by the end of this year I will be back to my peak condition, if not set new records in my personal fitness lifestyle.
~ Don Murray
I brought the challenge to Ben to guide my training through out my cancer treatment. Through clear daily communication he was able customize an ever changing training routine that supported both my emotional/mental state and daily changes in my physical capabilities. Throughout the ordeal I lost 15lbs of lean body mass, lots of strength and lots of energy. While I was not terribly pleased with these losses, my doctors were very impressed. I completed my course of treatment without rest breaks, I did not require a feeding tube, and I never needed serious levels of pain meds. All of this success my doctors attributed to my physical conditioning AND my continued training throughout treatment.
Ben and I worked hard to get through the past few months. We have much work to do in the coming months to recapture the minor setbacks I experienced. I have full confidence that by the end of this year I will be back to my peak condition, if not set new records in my personal fitness lifestyle.
~ Don Murray
Two years ago I began training at WCFC with Ben to increase my upper back tone. Despite my own consistent training and my background in Exercise Science, I struggled to get the definition in my upper body and back that I was looking for. Within a month of training with Ben, using primarily light weights and tubing, I was seeing results! I feel like an infomercial, but I am simply telling you the truth. With my background and what I have experienced in the fitness industry, I was extremely hesitant and skeptical to hire a trainer. I had worked at plenty of gyms where I watched a lot of people pay a lot of money for trainers that had no background in exercise, training plans, or nutrition. Oddly to me, people continued to pay these trainers without seeing results. Basically, the trainers were merely accountability partners for the paying individual. I felt embarrassment for my field, watching big gyms allow anyone with a weekend certification be a personal trainer. It seemed so crooked. It is a scam. |
Amy Reynolds
When I met Ben, I noticed immediately that his training aligned with my schooling, my six years of providing physical therapy at a chiropractors office, and he was not your run-of-the-mill trainer. He knows his stuff. For the first time I was training with someone who was teaching me! I don't say that arrogantly, but I cannot tell you the number of "personal trainers" I have encountered that do not even know the right names of basic, big muscles and how they function. In short, Ben is so in-tune with how the body works and as a result, you actually get results with your trainer (crazy, I know).
Ben is a hidden treasure in Cincinnati. With my background, I had no room for someone who didn't know what they were doing; I refused to pay someone unless I was getting results. I am still amazed at the number of people who choose trainers at big name gyms with no background and they get no results. I believe they continue to pay and train without results because those untrained trainers do not push them out of their comfort zone, but said exerciser can at least say they are working out. Quit paying money with no results! Please.
Ben should be charging twice his rate for the results he helps you attain. (Don't get any ideas Ben). The only reason I stopped training with Ben is because we moved four hours away. I miss training at WCFC everyday. I know what I found and had at WCFC is unmatchable.
~Amy Reynolds
When I met Ben, I noticed immediately that his training aligned with my schooling, my six years of providing physical therapy at a chiropractors office, and he was not your run-of-the-mill trainer. He knows his stuff. For the first time I was training with someone who was teaching me! I don't say that arrogantly, but I cannot tell you the number of "personal trainers" I have encountered that do not even know the right names of basic, big muscles and how they function. In short, Ben is so in-tune with how the body works and as a result, you actually get results with your trainer (crazy, I know).
Ben is a hidden treasure in Cincinnati. With my background, I had no room for someone who didn't know what they were doing; I refused to pay someone unless I was getting results. I am still amazed at the number of people who choose trainers at big name gyms with no background and they get no results. I believe they continue to pay and train without results because those untrained trainers do not push them out of their comfort zone, but said exerciser can at least say they are working out. Quit paying money with no results! Please.
Ben should be charging twice his rate for the results he helps you attain. (Don't get any ideas Ben). The only reason I stopped training with Ben is because we moved four hours away. I miss training at WCFC everyday. I know what I found and had at WCFC is unmatchable.
~Amy Reynolds
Success - The accomplishment of an aim or purpose
My name is Doug Cornwell and my life has changed significantly since Ben and WCFC. My range of motion, strength, and flexibility have all improved drastically! I am able to compete, at the age of 60 with 20/30 year old wheel chair athletes! I have been in gyms for 30/40 years and have NEVER worked with a better trainer! I have won over 30 medals in the national wheel chair games! Gold in several rugby, swimming, weightlifting, shot put, and javelin just to name a few! Most of all after being in a wheel chair for 38 years this is the FIRST time in my life I've had 0 shoulder pain! I was unable to sleep at night! Ben's routine has made this ALL happen and I thank him!
Megan Stacey
After months of frustration because I was struggling to lose baby weight, I went to West Chester Fitness to meet with Ben. Since I was already tracking my food as a lifetime Weight Watchers member, it was a surprise to learn that the reason I wasn't losing weight was because I wasn't eating enough! Ben helped me learn more about healthier, cleaner foods to incorporate into my diet. He monitored my diet and gave me feedback. And this was just the beginning. West Chester Fitness Club helped me find strength I never knew I had. Weightlifting intimidated me but the trainers made it manageable and helped me grow stronger. Working out and eating right enabled me to shed the 60 lbs I gained during my pregnancy. Not only did I lose weight, I regained my sense of self. My results were better than my pre-pregnancy figure! I'm stronger and leaner than ever before. I even had to buy SMALLER pants.
I'm motivated to continue to build strength and challenge myself. I'd highly recommend WCFC to anyone who wants RESULTS! It takes hard work and dedication but in a short time, you'll see that it's worth it. Thank you Ben, Jesse and West Chester Fitness. You have changed my life! |
Corri Meeks
Megan Strong
I have had the incredible honor of training with Ben Humphrey for the last 5 months. In those 5 months, I have been pushed harder than I ever have in my life and am experiencing results like I never have before. In just 5 months, with the support and training of Ben I have changed everything in my life from my workout schedule to nutrition and have lost a total of 63 lbs! Ben's passion for fitness and health is evident in his work as well as his genuine compassion for people. He knows when to push you and pushes you to your limit all while having the biggest heart I have seen in the fitness industry. He is tough in the gym but has an incredibly kind heart. He has changed my life and I am NEVER going back!
Drew S
When I started working out with Ben, like most guys I thought I was in pretty good shape. Why not, I could lift a lot of weight a few times and filled out the chest and shoulders of all my shirts. After my first two workouts with Ben, I realized that I wasn’t in shape – at all, had no clue how to work out, and I had no clue what or how to eat. Ben would never say this either, so I will say it for him – Ben looks and lives the part of a true trainer. When the last thing you want to do is that last set, or stuff down some meal to hit your numbers, being able to see that it does work and it is worth it every time you work out with him makes it a constant reminder that his system works. He is a multiple competition winner and has been active in competitions for years – so you know he has to stay in tip top shape year round to be able to do this. I don’t want a trainer that is going to make me feel comfortable when I’m working out or not push me outside my comfort zone. You will never get better or the results you want without someone that has Ben’s mentality. Since most people’s time, scheduling, and commitments do not allow to lift with Ben every time you hit the gym, he also gives you a great sense of multiple workouts to do on your own. Multiple ideas of how intense you should be lifting and how it should feel when you are doing it right. Most importantly, he tells you how to eat, when to eat what, and how much to eat. There are 4 main points that I have learned and applied from my 2 years with Ben:
2. ATTITUDE A lot of this process of getting into shape is mental. Getting into a positive frame of mind will be important to sustain the effort needed to get into shape. Also, having the attitude that you are willing to listen to someone else’s professional advice will take you farther than you can imagine. 3. HONOR THE PROCESS Getting in shape does not happen overnight and isn’t for the weak of heart. If it was, every person on the street would look like a superstar. The eating, lifting, and various cardio are working…you must give it time. After all, it took you a long time to get out of shape and fat…it is going to take you time to get in shape and fit. 4 SACRIFICE This has to do mostly with your diet. If you are not willing to sacrifice for it, pre pare for it, and work your day around it – you will never be able to achieve your goals. It’s that simple. If I see someone in awesome shape, I no longer think about how much weight they can do, but rather how well and regimented their diet must be. Also has to do with dedicating time to get into the gym or hitting that workout facility. Consistency is everything – with diet and workouts. ~ Drew Stacey Lauren D
What started as a simple interest in boxing, ultimately led to an amazing lifestyle that I never imagined. A few years ago I took an interest into learning how to box and was referred to a trainer that had assisted my sister’s soccer team –Ben Humphrey. It took all of 30 seconds after walking into WCFC for me to realize this was something I had to be a part of. I had played competitive soccer my entire life but stopped once I got to college and missed the lifting and conditioning that was involved in being an athlete, which drew me into training with Ben at WCFC. After about a year, I was presented with the idea of competing in the bikini division of bodybuilding; I agreed, and the training began. I instantly fell in love with the challenge of competing and this is where my interest in fitness and drive to be better kicked into gear. Without the guidance, motivation and inspiration that I received from Ben, I would have never found this passion of mine. I ended up placing, second in my first ever competition and taking third in my second competition, leading up to one of the most unreal days of my life, which was competing at THE Arnold Classic in February 2014 To have someone see potential in you that you may have never seen in yourself is the most amazing gift and I am grateful every day that I walked into WCFC. I have continued, and will continue, to train with Ben. Each session I learn something new about myself and about fitness in general. Ben has proven his knowledge, sincere concern for each and every one of his clients, and has been an amazing model of drive and passion in his field time and time again making him the most trustworthy trainer/coach I have ever worked with. What Ben has done for me as a trainer has inspired me to be a part of changing someone else’s life in the way that mine has changed. I am proud to say that I am now not only a team WCFC athlete, but a trainer at WCFC as well. I firmly believe there is no better place to make a change than at WCFC, and it is never too late to start.
Amber G
Why do you run so much?
This is a question I have received frequently over the past year and it launches me into a whirlwind of emotions every time. Every. Single. Time. I’ve been running seriously since 1994, but in 2005 I started to taper... a lot. My back was hurting more and more no matter what I did, and I just assumed it was the running causing the pain. It didn’t hurt while I was running, but it hurt every other minute of my life when I wasn’t running. I have a work ethic that is best described as ‘stubborn’; I push for what I want. But this pain was so intense; I thought this is it, my running days were over. Which is the same as handing me a death sentence; I’m just not the same person if I can’t run. Here’s the deal, I am 36 years old, overweight, and my once 6-foot tall frame is now a 5-foot 11.25-inch frame thanks to degenerative disk disease (DDD). You can imagine the inflammation and back pain that comes from the loss of that fibrocartilage cushioning between the vertebrae, which rub on each other thus creating bone spurs and pinching the innervating nerves. Prior to setting a pain-management regimen into practice, my activity levels had decreased, but the eating habits remained the same (and this runner is always hungry), and voilá, a recipe for weight-gain. After the official diagnosis for DDD, I cleaned up the diet, revved up the physical therapy, and followed orders to not run. The inflammation went down a little, but my quality of life had not changed. Without my running, I just wasn’t…. I wasn’t fun to be around. I knew my course of action had to change, so I started-up a membership at the local gym in the town to which I had just recently moved. I have been ‘lifting weights’ since I was in high school, I didn’t think I needed a trainer, I just needed to get back into my routine and I’d be fine. Fortunately for me, the lead trainer at the time was none other than Ben Humphrey. All new members receive a walk-through of the gym, a free session to learn the layout, ask questions… and I thought, what the heck, what’s the worst that could happen? Do you know what happened? Ben took an interest in me. Sure, you can argue all PT take an interest in the health of the general population. ‘That’s their job.’ However, do they all start conversations with specific targeted questions, immediately begin working to get to the root of your health issues, push you to define your goals, and discuss their plans for you to achieve your success? No, they don’t. Ben was ‘in my face’ from the get-go and I could tell this man was serious, he wants to help me. I knew his intentions were genuine and true. I felt a sense of relief, there is someone willing to help me! Intimidating? No, not at all. He has a dominating presence; because he knows his field of expertise and he is un-relinquishing in testing your limits. Not to mention he can talk the talk, but more impressive is that he walks the walk. Working with someone who has faith in your ultimate abilities will motivate you in heroic ways I thought were saved for the movies. Right, so I signed-on and weighed-in, took the measurements, and if I could have, I would have crawled under the table and died. However, I’m stubborn so I sucked it up and then he threw a curve ball – resistance bands? Seriously? No, we should be doing squats and lunges and declined core workouts! Not yet, not yet, my friend; patience. Ben focused on core strength, beginning with low impact as well as isolated exercises for the major muscle groups. Then another curve ball – circuit training! I learned that what I thought was circuit training, was a joke. Ben taught me the true meaning of circuit training… and then agility training came into play and I was getting into some fancy core workouts by that point. I learned so much from Ben and to this day I continue to be able to incorporate that knowledge and adjust my training sessions to meet each phase of my current set of goals. I was thrilled when I moved my cardio from bike and elliptical to short runs…. Then Ben threw another curve ball – complex movements with intense balance requirements. It was all part of a master plan to start from the core and slow-twitch muscles into agility and fast-twitch muscles. Brilliant! Then those short runs became a little too easy… I was feeling so strong and the back was practically pain-free. I went from 1 day a week without back pain, to forgetting the last time I felt any ‘considerable’ pain in the back. Oh, and I should mention that within the first 90 days of working with Ben I had lost 30 pounds and over 18 inches off this Clydesdale frame… This spurred me to start testing my perceived limits – just how long can I run? Then it was how far can I run? Each week I would come in grinning like an idiot, I ran 7 miles on Saturday! Next week… I ran 9 miles on Saturday! A few weeks later… I just ran a freakin’ half marathon! Mind you, from 1994 until 2010 I had never run more than 5 miles in a stretch. Just this past January, 2013, I ran my first full marathon. I surely know that I would not be where I am today with my health if it had not been for that introductory PT session with Ben Humphrey back in the fall of 2010. So, why do I run so much? Because I can, it’s who I am - again. It’s a self-testament to me, proving over and over that if I really want something I have to work through the pain. Yes, you will reach the other side, and it will be beautiful. I’m not at my ideal ‘happy running weight’ yet, but I’m not giving up either. For those who are on the fence, jump. You will land on your feet, you will succeed, and you will have the support you need. -Amber K. Jenni R
My name is Jenni Rossi and I have been working out at WCFC for quite awhile. It is fantastic! It helped me prepare for all the sports I perform. Just recently my soccer team won a state championship! All the hard work outs that I put in at West Chester Fitness Club and with the help of Ben Humphrey, had a big impact in my fitness, strength and speed to help me perform at my best. With all of those categories combined also helped me achieve 5th place at state in the shot put. Ben Humphrey is a fabulous trainer who really motivates you and really wants to help you achieve your goals. I am so happy that I chose to work out at WCFC because I love the environment, I love the work outs and I love the drive that it gives you to want to work out and become the best you can be.
Justin T
My name is Justin Tripp. I am a marketing executive at a large insurance marketing organization in NC. I am a long time athlete and fitness enthusiast. I've practically tried any and all fitness programs and nothing has compared to Ben Humphrey.
Ben Humphrey is a master trainer unlike any I've ever seen. His skill and expertise are unlike all others. Ben is a master at not only the science of fitness but also the psychology behind fitness. His style and techniques reduce mental boredom and keep you involved and unclear as to what may come next. He is by far the most talented personal and group trainer I've ever encountered. Justin Tripp Christina O
WCFC Reflections,
As a 19 year old athlete, I considered myself to be in fairly decent shape. I was a 2 sport high school athlete. When I decided to attend The Ohio State University I had to give up competitive sports. After 2 years in college, I realized my once athletic physique was quickly deteriorating. I was losing confidence in myself and needed to do something about it. A friend recommended going to West Chester Fitness Club and training with Ben. I decided to give it a shot for one summer and see how things went. This may have been one of the best decisions I've ever made. Ben is an amazing trainer. He truly cares about you and your success. He goes to extraordinary lengths to help you achieve your goals. I trained with Ben twice a week, but he kept in contact with me every day to make sure I was being productive outside the gym. In addition, he helped me form a diet plan to keep me on track. Before going to WCFC, I would go to the gym at OSU for 2 hours and leave with energy. With Ben, I was exhausted after 1 hour of training. It wasn't until attending WCFC and training with Ben that I knew what a good workout was. Ben brought something new to the table with every workout. Just as I was starting to get used to the weights, he switched it up and introduced circuit workouts. He introduced me to HIIT workouts and the true meaning of being exhausted. Although it was hard work, it was exactly what I was looking for. I got excited about going to the gym and loved talking to people about my work outs. Previously, I dreaded going to the gym and would make excuses to procrastinate. Training at WCFC completely changed my mentality because Ben was able to make the work outs fun, while still challenging. My goal at the beginning of training wasn't to lose numbers on the scale. Rather, I wanted to tone up, lose some fat, and gain muscle. I trained at WCFC for just short of 2 months and was able to lose 6.5% body fat and 3.5 inches overall, while only losing 3 pounds. Ben was able to cater to my needs and help me to replace body fat with lean muscle. I'm so glad I chose to train with Ben at WCFC. Ben has been an inspiration and I will always be thankful for everything he has taught me. ~ Christina Ochs Chris MMy name is Chris Mays and I have been a lifelong friend of MrWCFC. I've played sports my whole life and always hit the gym. Hitting the gym with Ben is a whole different ballgame. I have always been strong. I can dunk a basketball. Since training with Ben I can dunk a basketball HARD! Seeing improvements in performance was icing on the cake for I started training with Ben to learn how to develop quality muscle and learn I did! Focusing on the extremes of the range of motion I was able to develop quality muscle and improve my performance all at the same time! Ben will teach you how to use muscles you didn't even know you had. There is far more to think about and do while you train than you know! Any fitness level looking to go to the next level would be wise to train at WCFC. They truly make your results their priority and if you're not getting them.... you will hear about it!
I found WCFC through my fiancé Casey who had already started to train with Ben. Everyday she trained with Ben and did BOOTCAMPS she came home and told me about how difficult and challenging each training session with Ben was. I said, "that's great keep at it!". After a couple of weeks my fiancé came home and said, "you should train with Ben". I laughed it off being a stubborn Army guy I thought I could do it on my own like I have for years. I didn't need a trainer at least that's what I thought. I would go to the gym maybe 3-4 times a week and I thought I was in shape. Well I looked at myself in the mirror and was brutally honest with myself. I was fat and what I was doing wasn't working. I got on a scale and It was a huge wake up call. I was 230 pounds and it wasn't muscle. So I decided it was time to train with Ben. My first check in I was 231.4 pounds at 29% body fat. I was embarrassed to even show up like that. Ben throughout my sessions would push me and challenge me to do things I'd never done before in a gym. I found at about midway through training I was passionate about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. WCFC changed my life and my body!
Thank You! Mike RBen is absolutely OUTSTANDING! I have never written a review before, but I wanted others to know what Ben has done for me. First, let me share a little background to help explain how big a deal this is for me (also something I have not done before). I am Mike, a 63 year old man who loves to slalom water ski. Until 7 years ago I was an avid slalom water skier, worked out 3 times a week, one with a personnel trainer (who also trained some local Olympians). Then at 57, I ruptured L4/5 disc and needed some back surgery, not a big deal. However it triggered a relatively rare nerve disease called CIDP in which the autoimmune system attacks the protective sleeve over the nerves to the legs and or arms. In 3 months I lost over 30 lbs, was in constant pain, had uncontrollable cramps and spasms in my legs, did not have the strength in one leg to go up a single step, and my leg would collapse a couple times a day when I walked. After 18 months of aggressive medical treatments the disease was (and still is) in remission, however not before it did some permanent damage. Another 18 months of physical therapy and strength training, major surgery to fuse L4/5 front and back, more physical therapy, another 24 months of working out and I was back to about 50% strength, a manageable pain level and few cramps. I could slalom ski again, albeit not very well. I was/am truly very blessed to be doing so well – a lot of people have a lot worse things. I got a lot of great help along the way from some of the best in their fields. However I had plateaued strength wise and wanted to see if I could do more before I “settled”.
That brought me to Ben 3 months ago with a request to him to increase my strength by 25% in 3 months so I could ski more and better. Now for the important part. Ben said “no problem - piece of cake”. I told him most of the story above – again he said “no problem - piece of cake”; I was already getting confident we could do it. He said I just needed to strength train with him twice a week, then once a week on my own, and do one hi-cardio walk a week. Ben is an expert trainer and is passionate about helping people achieve their goals. He plans strength training sessions and grows muscle from one session to the next. He watches every detail of what I am doing and constantly tweaks it to target the muscle just right. He is a natural motivator, his confidence in what he is doing and how he shows confidence in me is literally contagious. He has me doing things I didn’t think I could do and with no hesitation or doubt or concern. I know he has thought it through and built me up to it, and I know he will assist if I can’t quit get it. The sessions go fast and I feel great afterwards. Every session has something new I have never even seen before, and I have been in gyms and around trainers for 25 years. The result: 25 to mostly 50% increase in strength in just 3 months, significantly more stamina, and those muscles and places that were chronically sore are not anymore. Yea, I requested another 3months and another “25%” strength increase. If your are not ready to “settle”, call Ben. Thanks Ben, You are definitely “one of the best in your field” to have made such a difference for me. Mike Rottenberger Retired: Procter & Gamble, R&D 513-673-6134 Rich H
“If you want to understand personal training then meet Ben Humphrey, because he is the definition of the concept. What you first realize as you begin is the difference between someone who works as a trainer and someone who lives the life of training personally. Your sessions are about you and your performance goals, not some checklist of activities to get done or fail at. His technical expertise on how to combine movement and weight to target muscle definition and strengthening is second to none. He adds the critical connection to nutrition. But most importantly, he tailors all of this to you (the personal) down to adjustments during actual exercises to maximize the moment. This has been key for me, because three years ago as I was running my heart gave out and I face-planted in the ground (but fortunately got up). Eight months in and out of hospital we finally figured out that I had a relatively rare heart condition and would require medication for the rest of my life that will prevent the competitive athletic life-style I used to be living. By the time I came to Ben, I was overweight with little muscle strength, but most importantly, unsure and unconfident of what I could and could not do. I had strict limits from my doctors. Ben could have easily said this was too much to take on and also been uninterested in a client that in the end could only progress in limited ways. The dedication I have gotten from Ben has been the extreme opposite. He took me on as a challenge and has remained a positive force building back not only my physical fitness, but my mental strength as well and incrementally I have more muscle definition than I ever have had, I am nearing the weight I was before my collapse, and I am feeling better than I have in three years…the result of realpersonal training.”
Richard J. Harknett, PhD Head, Department of Political Science University of Cincinnati 513-556-3314 Kristen D
I just wanted to let you know how awesome you are! Sometimes people look at me like I'm crazy when i tell them i drive from columbus to cincy 3 times a week "just to work out" and when they ask why i always tell them the same i figured I'd let you know too! You're by far the best trainer I've ever had. From little league coaches to high school coaches to male and female, young and old personal trainers I have never felt better than i do after leaving each one of our make me feel comfortable, yet intimidated enough to work hard, you make it fun enough to enjoy but hard enough to feel progress. I think my favorite thing is that you have confidence in me....and i cant tell you how awesome that feels! I dont think in 9 months that one of my workouts has ever been the same and it keeps me interested.....just figured I'd let ya know how much i look up to you!
:) hope youre having a great day! ~Kristen D Lajean M
As a Top 5 National Level NPC Bikini Competitor, I pride myself on being in great shape. Well at least I thought I was in great shape until I trained with Ben Humphrey at West Chester Fitness Club! I attended a weekend of bootcamp sessions that left me for dead on the floor upon completion of the session, which I was almost unable to finish. The beauty of his training style is that there is freedom to push yourself to the limits, while still being able to go at your own pace. Being a competitor, I am always trying to challenge myself. Training with him allowed me to do that, while also allowing someone who is just beginning to participate in the training session as well. He is great at motivating you to push your own limits, which allows you to get every ounce of benefit out of each session. I finished each workout dripping with sweat, with sore muscles, and the desire for more! If you are in the area and looking for a great way to get your butt kicked (in a good way!!!), no matter if you havent ever worked out or are a seasoned professional, Westchester Fitness Club is where its at!!! I would recommend training with Ben Humphrey and his staff to anyone I come in contact with. And that is saying A LOT because I have trained with the best of the best!!!
LaJean Morrow D.D.S. HKGM Dentistry High Point, NC Denise P
My experience with personal training at West Chester Fitness Club has far exceeded my expectations of personal training. Ben is a natural born motivator. He knows how to push me to my limits and show me that I am always capable of handling more than I think I can. Even after working with Ben for more than a year he continues to bring new exercises and drills to our sessions, which is essential to keeping fitness fun and challenging. During each session I find I always smile, laugh, grimace and say “whew, that was a good one!” by the end. If you are looking for a personable, fun, affordable and motivating trainer, look no further than West Chester Fitness Club; you won’t find anyone better!
Denise Pfefferle Pfefferle Tire and Auto 513.518.5885 Ryan G
I was given the privilege of being trained by Ben Humphrey. He was incredibly personable and made me feel welcome to be in the gym, while also finding ways to motivate. Ben inspired a relentless work ethic, which translated from the gym into the kitchen, as I cleaned up my diet and worked towards my goals. In my first five weeks at West Chester Fitness Club, I lost 3% body fat and 3.5 inches off my waist while also seeing gains in my legs and chest. I finished losing 8.5 lbs of fat, adding 3.5 lbs of muscle, and losing almost 4% body fat in the 8 weeks that I trained with Ben. Coming into West Chester Fitness Club, I had no experience with a workout plan and knew very little about nutrition. Leaving West Chester Fitness Club after eight weeks of training, I’m assured in my abilities to eat properly, I feel confident in the gym, and I’m leading a healthy lifestyle. I can’t thank Ben enough.
-Ryan Gallof Robyn B
You rock as a trainer! Thanks for being a person of excellence. DO NOT ever compromise!
Keep striving because as a trainer you are different and it stands out! ~ Robyn Alicia N
This is the man – Ben Humphrey. He is such an inspirational and down to earth trainer. He put me through a different style of training to what I was used to back home. Being a Personal Trainer of 8 years back in Aus, I took back with me some valuable training tips and want to Thank Ben for the training I did with him. His sessions were both fun and challenging. Ben has inspired me to compete again as a sports model and to also learn different styles of training to use with my current personal training clients. If you want the best results, train with the best trainers and Ben is, in my eyes, definitely one of the best I’ve trained with. -
Alicia Newman Gym Manager/Personal Trainer/Sports Model |